Sunday, December 16, 2012

Going 'round in Circles

This was a lot of fun. Black ink on a blank, round, white greeting card:

Cones 'n' Flowers

And this was a little different as I used a blank, black template for it, with white pen.

It's simple, but elegant, I think.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pretty in Purple...and Other Colours

I've been busy tangling...but neglecting to post the results. These I have completed over the last couple of months.Some of them look better when you click to enlarge...others don't!!
So here goes....
 First some experiments in colour:

 Flowers 'n' Stuff

Colour Tangles


Pretty in Purple

Tangled in Colour
(using some new Micron coloured ink pens)

And now some miscellaneous:

 Over the Garden Fence

White on Green
 (with some outlines in black)

Silvery Scene

Daisy Chain

And finally, a favourite:

Shades of Kauai

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tangles and ....??

I am not really sure what kind of art this is - I don't think it can be classified as a tangle....
probably no name for it!

It was a bit of an experiment, as I am still learning how to shade:


And some people wouild classify this as a mandala,

but I call it "learning to zentangle with circles" !

I really enjoyed working on this, and plan to do some more.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Turkeys and Tangles....

I bought some gold and silver markers the other day - "Pilot, Extra-fine metallic Ink Marker."
Less than $5 and lots of fun, plus some free Air Miles, too!
So I have been experimenting. I am ahead of myself with my inchie for this week. The theme is 'silver' and you can find my  'silver' inchie here. Stay tuned for all the other wonderful 'silver' interpretations, at the same location. I was really pleased that the silver showed up well even after scanning, and I am loving the silver on black effect. Going to do some more of these.

But I can't say the same about the gold. This was an experiment of gold on blue, and in reality it is quite beautiful. The gold is rich and shiny. But the scanned effect is less than pleasing. At the same time that I bought the silver and gold pens, I also found a white marker: "Pentel Sunburst Gel."  I absolutely love this one too - you can see the white on blue effect, at least, in what is going to be a bookmark when it's completed. I bought the white marker at Michaels, but when I went back to get another, they were all gone. Guess I am not the only one who loves them!


I am so sorry the gold doesn't show, but at least you get the idea. Everything that looks brown, is actually a stunning, shiny gold. The letters are white with the gold embellishments.

This one is just white on black:

white on black tangle

Love this, especially as a change from the black on white.

I am getting a bit obsessed with my art these days, so I need some self-discipline.

But I do I have one more to show you. I got this idea from this book

Creative Doodling and Beyond, by Staphanie Corfee.

It is such a great book; so entertaining just to leaf through it, but also so helpful for someone like me, who needs a lot of prompting when it comes to art. She calls these doodles, and I guess they are, but I am finding there is a fine line between doodles and tangles.

One of her ideas is to take a medium point marker and a piece of paper. Close your eyes and begin to draw "a looping, free form curvy line without lifting the pen from the page. Stop whenever it feels right to stop..." and then take a look at it and begin to create an interesting design by adding embellishments and color - just like we do with a tangle.

This is my creation:

Turkey Trot!

This really was a lot of fun, and I will probably do another one sometime.

There are tons of ideas in Stephanie's book and I will make my way (slowly!) through it, trying out most of them.

I am getting such a kick out of creating, and I had the thought recently -- what fun God must have had when He created the world and everything in it. I mean, really -- how much fun would it have been to create a giraffe, a hippo, a zebra, -- an elephant!!  And all that amazing and colorful flora, fauna and sea creatures near the bottom of the ocean, that we are only just beginning to discover. Even each one of us humans are so unique. He could have made everything dull and boring, but look at the colors He created and how He used them - patches on giraffes, stripes on zebras, spots on cheetahs.... !!  I honestly believe it's because He made us in His image, that we get to share in the joy of creating, too - wow!! 

Heading off to do some more creating...well, maybe not tonight; more important things are calling -- but very soon!

Monday, October 1, 2012

All Caught Up!

So this is my latest tangle

in black and white:


and in colour:


I took a photocopy of the black and white one 
(these are ATC size, by the way)
and coloured in the copy, just to see what it would look like.

I think I like the coloured one best.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Still Catching Up

Sunflower Tangle

Pretty Purple Tangle
UK Tangle

Seashell Tangle

Kay Tangle

Angry Bird Tangle!

Underwater Tangle
Celtic Knot
Celtic Knot

Friday, September 21, 2012

Catching up on postings....

Well, I finally solved the problem of not being able to post my photos. I switched to Firefox.

I have no idea why that makes a difference, but it did! 

So here are some more of my drawings, done a couple or more years ago.

From a Christmas card

 From a book

Another Christmas card

From a greeting card

Lots more to come - just need to scan them!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I Really Didn't Need Another Blog....

...but what I do need is a place to post my artwork and photos.
I have not yet mastered the art of using my own head to draw -- just my own hand. So many of these are my rendition of art work on greeting cards or book illustrations.

I am posting the oldest artwork first, so that eventually I will be posting my very latest pieces as I finish them.  This is so much fun - to see how far I have come since I began just a few years ago!

I have discovered that pencil, Prismacolor pencils and micro-fine black ink pens are my most favorite medium.

Any photos I post (because that, too, is a form of art!) are my originals.
You will get to my photos by clicking on the sidebar link: Kaybee's Photos

So here goes:

 My very first drawing, after 60 years!

 And a not-too-shabby attempt at watercolors.
It was my one and only attempt, but I may try again, one day

First attempt at a cat, from a greeting card

From a book cover

From an art book

My sister, ChrisJ's cat - from one of her photos

A snowy day on Chapel Street, Flamborough Village, Yorkshire - in the 1800s

(keep going north on this street and you will come to the house where we lived when I was but a child)

From a postcard

(Looks like blogger is limiting the number of pictures I can post at one sitting - so I will save the rest for another time.